Unified Missions Foundation
"The Unified Missions" fights for amnesty through education, support, awareness, but also by providing wholeness and wellness through positive influences to survivors. Currently, UMF provides social awareness through social media outlets and online mentoring. They seek to empower youth victims by encouraging them to vocalize their sufferings, publicly, and to act for the gaining of their own freedom and autonomy. The ultimate goal is to launch a home not a temporary housing or shelter for youth, but a sanctuary for our youth who are affected by modern slavery culture. The goal for the housing needs will empower the youths voice, create opportunity for emotional and spiritual growth along with immediate needs assessment through every constituent on a case by case scenario.
With collaboration, networking and unity we can create a Just freedom for our youth. All around the world and here at home reports of human trafficking, modern-day slavery, contemporary slavery, debt bondage, serfdom, forced labor, forced child-marriage laws and transfer of children for the purposes of exploitation, is stealing, killing, and destroying the lives of the innocent.
Become a part of the answer. Anybody can complain about a problem, but that doesn’t do anything toward a solution.
Help UMF bind up and heal the broken hearted, set the captives free, give hope and restore life to a neglected and forgotten children.
Be the solution.